Dog Walkers

Dog Walkers are welcome at Island Cemetery subject to rules necessary to maintain the character and solemnity of this historic place. While it is unusual for garden cemeteries to allow dog walking, Island Cemetery subscribes to the view that garden cemeteries are intended by their design to be used and enjoyed by the living. This can be successfully accomplished by ensuring dog walking conforms to reasonable norms of appropriate decorum in the cemetery. Dog walking on the grounds of Island Cemetery is granted as a privilege which can be suspended or revoked for noncompliance with the following rules. So, enjoy the grounds and be mindful of the solemnity of Island Cemetery and conduct yourself and your dog accordingly please.

Please enter your contact information in the form displayed here so we can be keep you informed about cemetery matters. By signing this form you agree to be on our mailing list and to adhere the guidelines below.

Be especially mindful of people visiting loved ones, engaged in ceremonies or enjoying the serenity of the cemetery without pets. 

  • Do keep your dogs on leash to ensure the safety of our pets and others; acknowledging that the posted policy is for all dogs to be leashed.

  • Ensure that your dog(s) does not bother, jump on or intimidate anyone we encounter; realizing that some people may not particularly like, or may be afraid of dogs. If any incident occurs, apologize without argument or causing further issues.

  • Always have dog waste bags available to clean-up after your dog(s) and dispose of bags properly in waste bins provided.  Weekly disposal of this trash is done staff of the cemetery, so please do not make this unpleasant tasks any more difficult.

  • Pick up dog messes that you come across.

  • Always drive slowly through the cemetery, no more than 15 mile/hour, watching out carefully for people and creatures, large and small. The cemetery is busier than ever.

  • Do not park on the grass areas and be conscious not to park in spots that block access to others.

  • Always be courteous in interacting with others in the cemetery and take steps to de-escalate unexpected situations – dogs do not always get along, but their owners can set a good example.

  • Tactfully, but immediately report any concerning behavior you observe to Island Cemetery staff or Board Members.
